
Doggie story, 2012 〜2012年 犬のお話し〜

"Ahhh, 2012 will be going soon!"


"Let's look back on our 2012 today, OK? Brother Kona?"


"OK, OK. I'm awake. Zzzz..."


Kona: "Well, I should start. Mommy and daddy worked to collect donations for Japanese Animal Welfare Society early this year. This was to help animals in Tohoku region."

コナ:「じゃ、始めるとするかな。今年の初め、パパとママは、ジャパンアニマルウェルフェアソサイエティという団体への寄付金集めに頑張ったんだよ。東北地方で被災した動物たちを 救うためなんだって。」

Kahlua: "In summer, we passed the tests, and started to foster some Goldens from the organization called "Golden Retriever Rescue Southern Nevada. The first dog we had was Remington. We called him Remmy."


Kona: "I was so sad when he left, because he was like my younger brother. But I'm happy he found a good home."


Kahlua: "Then, the next dog was Hoku. He was found on the street in Utah, and GRRSN rescued him. We gave the name Hoku when he arrived to us."


Kona: "We invited the neighbors' dogs and had a pool party with 8 doggies. It was fun!"


Kona: "We participated in some fund raiser events that GRRSN held. This photo became a calendar that they made for 2013."


Ehime: "At that time, I was still a very small baby. I was so happy that mommy and daddy came to see me every Tuesday."


Kahlua: "We had a Golden & Lab mix, Piper, too. She was given up by her owner. She was very very very shy when she came over to our house."


Kona: "That's right. But at the end, she opened up and played with us. She found a very nice family, too."


Ehime: "I was still drinking milk from my birth mommy then. I was a healthy chubby baby."


Kona: "Even after 6 months, you are still healthy and chubby."


Ehime: "It's rude to say that to a young lady, brother Kona!"


Kahlua: "We lost our sister Haley in November. She was 11 years old."


"Thank you so much for your support this year. (bowing)"


"We all hope you have a Happy New Year, and have a successful 2013!"


Have a wonderful Sunday♪

Blog Ranking♪ You can find the same photo as this one on the right above. Thank you so much for clicking it♪


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