"Where are you taking us tonight? (exciting) p(^o^)q"
「今夜、どこに行くの?ワクワク p(^o^)q」
"Brother? This is supposed to be my 6 months old celebration. You are more excited than I am."
Mommy: "We are going to Las Vegas Motor Speedway. There are beautiful drive through holiday lights."
Daddy: "We are here. Let's go in!"
Kona: "I'm excited." コナ:「ワクワク」
Ehime: "Is it scary?" えひめ:「こわくないでしゅか?」
Kahlua: "Sleeping. Out of my business hour." カルア:「営業時間外により睡眠中。」
"Oh, look, Ehime. They are fire fighters!"
"Yeah, I can see. They are watering with the hose."
"Look, brother. There is a fire station."
"The fire fighters came from there."
"It said "Viva Las Vegas"!"
「”ビバ ラスベガス”って書いてありましゅ!」
"That's Elvis Presley, Ehime."
"This place is awesome!" 「ここ、しゅごいでしゅね!」
"I know. This is amazing!" 「ホントすごいよ!」
"That's a greeting message from Las Vegas Motor Speedway."
"Golden Nugget hotel made this light tunnel."
"Look, Ehime. There is another light tunnel."
"Whoooo, I want to go in now!"
Daddy: "OK, everyone. This is it."
"Wow, it was so much fun!"
"I'm tired now, because I was too excited..."
Arrived home おうちに到着
Mommy: "Look, everyone. We drove this long way."
Eveyone: "Wow!" みんな「わあ〜」
"They gave us doggie cookies, too. Who was a good kid today?"
Kahlua: "Of course, me♥"
Have a wonderful Thursday♪
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