
Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer 〜赤鼻のトナカイ〜

"Brother Kona? Did you see the show, Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer last night?"


"Oh, the one mommy and daddy recorded the other day?"


"Right. The show was made in 1964. Rudolph's parents were embarrassed by Rudolph's red nose."


"He couldn't fit in class. He felt like he didn't belong there."


"When he left home on his own, everybody got worried about him.


Even Santa Claus got worried and visited his house."


"On the Rudolph's trip, he saw a big and bad snowman."


"But all good people helped each other and they knocked down the bad snowman."

「でもいい人たちが協力ちて、 悪い雪男をやっつけまちた。」

"At the end, the bad snowman became a good snowman. He got a job to put a star on top of Christmas tree. And also, Rudolph could lead the Santa's team, and used his red nose to shine in the bad weather. End."


"Oh, wow. What a beautiful story."


"You were sleeping, brother."


"Right after that, mommy and daddy saw another show, Frosty the snowman."

「しょのしゅぐ後、パパとママは、別のショーも見たでしゅよ。フロスティ ザ スノーマンっていうショー。」

"Did you see that show, too, Ehime?"


"Well... no (#^_^#)"

「えっと‥‥ いいえ (#^_^#)」

"Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer is stop motion animation. I can't believe each scene was taken by moving the objects."


"It takes a long time. We should appreciate old animation like this." 


"I think so, too. But can I do....


in my dream?"


Have a happy Sunday♪

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