
The day daddy makes breakfast 〜パパが朝ごはんをつくる日〜

"Daddy? Mommy said she's not feeling well this morning."


Daddy: "Really? Mmmm... OK. I'll make breakfast."

パパ:「えっ、ホント?う〜ん‥‥ わかった。じゃ、パパが朝ごはんをつくるよ。」

"What are you making, daddy?"


"Oh, look. Here is a box to make pecan swirl bread. Let me see.... All you need is eggs, oil and water. That's easy!"

「おお、見て。ここにピーカンスワールブレッドを作るセットがあるよ。なになに‥‥ 必要なのは、卵とオイルと水。簡単じゃん!」

"First, you mix pecan and brown sugar.


Next, you pour the flour in the different bowl. OK, I did it."


"Let's add eggs now." 「さあ、卵を入れよう。」

"Can you break egg shell in one hand? Daddy, you are great!"


"Do I have right amount of water?" 「水はこれくらいで大丈夫かな?」

"Daddy? Let me lick off your hand." 「パパ?お手て、きれいにしてあげましゅよ。」

"No, thank you." 「結構です。」

"Now, I need to mix a little bit of oil in the bowl."


"Almost done, right, daddy?"


"Let's put the dough in the pan."


"I shouldn't forget the pecan mix for topping."


"Oops, daddy? Some fell off. Don't worry. I'll clean the floor♥"


"Let's bake it now!"


25 min later...   25分後‥‥

"Daddyyyy? Isn't it done yet?"


Another 25 min later    さらに25分後

"It's done, everyone♪"   「みんな、できたよ〜♪」

"Mmm... This is so soft. Let's cut some first."


Daddy: "Here you are, my love♥"   パパ:「ママ、はいどうぞ♥」

Mommy: "This looks great. Thank you, darling♥"  ママ:「おいしそう♪ ありがと、パパ♥」

"How's the taste, daddy?" 「お味はどう、パパ?」

"Delicious♪"   「おいしいよ♪」

"Daddy? Mommy said she was very happy with your cooking, and her sickness got better suddenly. "


"That's good."   「それはよかった。」

"And also, she said Saturday is going to be the day that daddy cooks breakfast from now on. She is planning to be sick every Saturday morning."


"I was tricked by her..." 「ママにはめられた‥‥」

Have a wonderful Saturday♪

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2 件のコメント:

  1. Thank you, Jen! Sorry for a late response. I guess I didn't know how to see the comments from people!! Thank you so much for reading my blog (^o^)/
