
A successor of the kingdom 〜王国の後継者〜


Mommy: "Mmm? Did you see something moving just now?"

ママ:「んん? 今、なんか動いているの、見なかった?」

Chicken A: "What!? Something is here???"

にわとりA:「えっ!? ここに、何かいるの???」

Mommy: "Oh, there she is. A bunny. I don't think that's U-chan since she is running fast. U-chan might be gone by now. If she lives here, let's name her U-chan the second♪"


Chicken B: "Is anyone living here?"


Chicken C: "Oh, no. That's scary. Let's stay in the coop."

にわとりC:「やだわ〜 怖い、怖い。にわとり小屋にいましょ。」

Mommy: "You three are not walking around much these days. Don't you need exercise?"


Makana: "If they walk to the backyard, I might bark at them."


Mommy: "Oh, that's right. You are the one who took over Kahlua's job, which is protecting the kingdom."


Have a fun Friday♪

For Kahlua at the Rainbow Bridge who is probably happy to have a successor at his kingdom, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ


Smoke salmon is delicious. 〜スモークサーモンは、おいしい〜


Daddy: "I would like to take a photo of smoke salmon musubi. This is going to be one of our restaurant menu items, right?"


Mommy: "Yes, it is."


Mommy: "I love smoked salmon you make in the smoker. We purchased the brand new smoker in the restaurant. Can we smoke salmon with cooks? That way, we can practice making food before we open."

ママ:「パパが燻製するサーモン、大好き。レストランに、新しいスモーカーを買ったでしょ。料理人さんたちと一緒に、サーモンの燻製できる? そしたらオープン前に、お料理を作る練習ができるし。」

Daddy: "Of course. I can't wait."


Sachi: "We can help on tasting salmon."


Mommy: "Then, first, can you help me pick up toys on the floor?"


Makana: "I have nothing to do with this mess."


Have a fun Thursday♪

For Sachi who is not interested in such a help, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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They remind me of Kona & Ehime. 〜コナくん&ひめたんを思い出させる子たち〜


Makana: "That's my toy! (bite)"


Sachi: "No! Mine!"

さち:「ちがうっ! わたちの!」

Makana: "You know I'm your older brother! (stand)"


Sachi: "Ahhh!"


Sachi: "You got me. (collapsed)"


Makana: "What!? Are you OK? I didn't do anything wrong to you, did I? You collapsed yourself, didn't you?"

マカナ:「えっ!? 大丈夫? ぼく、さっちゃんに何も悪いことしてないよね? さっちゃん、自分で倒れたよね?」

Sachi: "Please call an ambulance. He he♪"


Have a fun Wednesday♪

For Makana & Sachi who often remind mommy of Kona & Ehime, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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Let's stay healthy. 〜健康でいましょ〜


Mommy: "We can finally eat dinner at home. It has been busy for work recently, and we cannot eat dinner together tonight. But we both appreciate being able to eat this amount of vegetables."


Makana: "I think beef is better than vegetables."


Mommy: "That's right. You like beef these days."


Have a healthy Tuesday♪

For Makana who also likes homemade bread, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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Lending a hand 〜手を借りる〜


Daddy: "I'm glad we got a help from the store men to put the boxes on the pickup truck, because they are heavy."


Mommy: "Wait. Does it mean we are the ones to unload? Are you telling me to carry these heavy boxes with you?"

ママ:「待って。それって、積み下ろしは、私たちがするってこと? パパ、私に一緒にこの重い箱を持ってって言ってる?」

Daddy: "I guess I am♪"


At home おうち

Makana: "Sachi. Mommy is saying she wants to lend a hand. Can you help her?"


Sachi: "My hands are not available at this moment."


Sachi: "Huh, I'm so busy. (laying down)"


Makana: "Your hands are available now."


Have a great Monday♪

For mommy who woke up with muscle pain in the morning, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ


Gold Medal Wine Tasting 〜ゴールドメダル・ワインテイスティング〜


We poured at Mid State Fair! Since we received a Gold medal for three wines out of six wines and a Silver medal for other three that we entered the competition. So we were invited to pour at Gold Medal Wine Tasting at the fair yesterday. The fair is not just the place we play around any more. It's also the place where we work, and this is the great honor as a winery!

ミッドステイトフェアで、ワインテイスティングのご提供! ワインコンペティションにエントリーした6種のワインのうち、3種が金賞を、あとの3種が銀賞を受賞したことを受け、フェアでのゴールドメダルワインテイスティングに招待して頂きました。フェアはもう、遊ぶだけの場所ではありません。働く場所にもなりました。そしてそれは、ワイナリーとして、素晴らしい名誉でもあります。

At home おうち

Makana: "Lamy is mine!"


Sachi: "No! Lamy is mine!"

さち:「ちがうっ! ラミーちゃんは、わたちのっ!」

Mommy: "Umm.... You missed us while we are away for work..., didn't you?"

ママ:「あの‥‥ ママたちが仕事でいなかった間、さびしかった‥‥ よね?」

Have a wonderful Sunday♪

For Makana & Sachi who were happy to see mommy & daddy back home, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ


Getting petted 〜よしよししてもらう〜


Makana: "Mmmm. Only Sachi is getting petted by daddy. This is not fair."


Sachi: "♪♪♪"


Makana: "I'm getting this space back!"


Sachi: "Ahhh! You stole my space!"

さち:「あああ! にいにいが、わたちの場所を取った!」

Sachi: "Give it back to me! Yaaaaa! Oh? Where are you, brother Ma?"

さち:「返ちて! やああああ! あれ? マーにいにい、どこ?」

Makana: "Daddyyyyy. I'm here♪"

マカナ:「パパ〜〜〜 ぼく、来たよ♪」

Daddy: "Let's pet you, Makana."


Have a happy Saturday♪

For Makana & Sachi who love to get petted, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ


They can't stop their excitement. 〜ワクワクを止められない〜


Makana: "You are pulling the ear from my bunny."


Sachi: "This is my bunny."


Makana: "No! You shouldn't treat the bunny badly."

マカナ:「ダメ! そのうさぎを悪く扱わないで。」

Sachi: "Hey! I'm still playing!"

さち:「ちょっと! わたち、まだ遊んでるんでしゅから!」

Makana: "Then, I'm going to eat you. (bite)"


Sachi: "Ahh! That's not right!"

さち:「ああ! しょんなの、正ちくない!」

Makana: "Are you talking back to your brother? Then, I'm going to eat your mouth. (bite)"

マカナ:「にいにいに言い返す気? じゃあ、お口を食べちゃうぞ。(カプッ)」

Sachi: "Ahhhhhhhh!!!! %#^&*($@^@#"


Mommy: "Huh... This is how they get smelly. I just washed them..."

ママ:「はあ‥‥ こうやって、においがするようになるのね。ふたりを洗ったばっかりなのに‥‥」

Have a fun Friday♪

For Makana & Sachi who get excited after getting washed, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ


Taking care of cats 〜ネコのお世話〜


Mommy: "Wow. As soon as I filled the food and the water for the outside cats, they showed up. I guess they were hungry."


Mommy: "Now for the cats inside. It looks like this cat is used to me now. But I've never seen the other one. I guess she is shy."

ママ:「今度は、中のネコたち。このネコは、私になついてくれたみたいね〜 でも、もうひとりは見たことない。きっとシャイなのね。」

Mommy: "I'm home. I just came back from taking care of our neighbor's cats."

ママ:「ただいま〜 ご近所さんのネコたちのお世話から、今帰ってきたよ。」

Makana: "You petted cats, didn't you? You smell differently."

マカナ:「ネコのこと、よしよししたでしょう? ちがうにおいがするから。」

Mommy: "I did. She is so adorable♪"


Have a nice Thursday♪

For Makana & Sachi who sniffed around mommy when she came back home, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ


Treats for horses 〜馬のおやつ〜


Mommy: "Ari's mommy gave us the information this morning. This treats for horses are 50% off today only."

ママ:「アリちゃんのママさんが、今朝、いい情報をくれたのよね〜 馬のおやつが、今日だけ50%オフなの。」

Daddy: "It's a great price. I think Hana & Ken will like these apple treats."

パパ:「いいお値段だね〜 ハナとケン、きっとこのりんごのおやつ、好きだと思うよ。」

Mommy: "I agree."


Makana: "We didn't get new treats because Sachi is on a diet. But I'm getting a pet by daddy now."


Sachi: "I'm not getting either treats and petting now. It's not fair."


Have a fun Wednesday♪

For Sachi who got a little hair cut by mommy instead, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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A peaceful solution is the best. 〜平和的な解決が一番なんです〜


Makana: "No, no, daddy. I'm right by your side now. Please don't pet Sachi. (bumped)"


Daddy: "Ouch."


Sachi: "Mmmm."


Sachi: "Dadyyyyy! I got the space right next to you! Please pet me♪ (lay down)"

さち:「パパ〜〜〜! パパのすぐそばの場所、取りまちた〜! よちよちちてくだしゃい♪(バタン)」

Makana: "My space got stolen again..."


Mommy: "You are too kind to Sachi. Why don't I pet you?"


Have a lovely Tuesday♪

For Makana who likes to have a peaceful solution, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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