Chloe's & Henry's mommy: "It's so nice to have great friends in the house, isn't it, Chloe?"
Chloe: "Yes, it is. It's good to see them again."
Kona: "I'm a little scare of Henry, so I'm going to stay in the kitchen."
Mommy: "Just stay in the same area. Then you will get used to him."
In the morning of Thanksgiving Day サンクスギビングデーの朝
Chloe's & Henry's mommy: "Can you add the walnuts that you brought into the stuffing for the turkey?"
Mommy: "OK. These walnuts were harvested just 15 minutes away from our house."
Chloe's & Henry's mommy: "And can you chop an apple and add it in the stuffing, too?"
Mommy: "OK. This looks like a good apple."
Kona: "You took off my scarf! I'm going to take yours now!"
Ehime: "No! I'm going to keep mine!"
Mommy: "My annual job for the Thanksgiving Day meal is to make dinner rolls. Let's make the dough in the bread machine."
Ehime: "Mommy, brother Kahlua might want to drink the water, too."
Mommy: "Good thinking. I'll bring him a bowl of the water."
I brought a bowl of the water to Kahlua, and he had some. Chloe's & Henry's mommy brought some biscuits that Jack (her beautiful German Shepherd who passed away last year) used to eat. Amazingly, Kahlua ate a few of them! For breakfast, he only ate a little bit of the turkey meal for dogs, so I was happy to see that he ate something else.
I soon realized that Kahlua looked a little weird. His head was down in the uncomfortable way and his breathing was so weak. Chloe's & Henry's mommy was asking "Is he always like this?" I couldn't answer well, because he sometimes looks better and sometimes looks worse.
I called my husband and asked him "Should we take him to the emergency room?" My husband sat down right next to Kahlua and touched him. He said, "Honey, he is dead." I said "No. He was just breathing when I called you." We checked many times, but he was not breathing anymore.
I don't remember well the things after that. I know we called Chloe's & Henry's parents and they cried for him. There was another family who was spending Thanksgiving Day week with us, and they cried for Kahlua, too. There is no photo since Kahlua passed away, but I just want to post one more photo here. Kahlua, we love you so much. And we miss you badly.
Continuing tomorrow
For Kona who sat down right next to Kahlua when he passed away, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!