
Home Sweet Home♥ 〜ホームスウィートホーム♥〜

My husband and I missed our second flight yesterday because the flight flight from Virginia was delayed due to the bad weather. We had to wait 5 hours in Atlanta for the next flight to Las Vegas. When we actually went to bed, it was almost 5:00am in the east coast time zone. But our suitcases arrived with us at the airport and our doggies welcomed us very well.... I mean, in their way (^_^i). So everything was good at the end.  

悪天候により、バージニア州からの最初のフライトが遅れたため、次のフライトに乗ることができなかった主人と私。アトランタでラスベガス行きの次のフライトを待つこと5時間。家に帰ってきてベッドに入ったのは、東海岸の時間で午前5時くらい。それでもスーツケースは私たちのフライトと一緒にちゃんと空港に到着し、犬たちも、あの‥‥ 自分たちなりにこれがいいと思う方法で出迎えてくれて(^_^i)、最後にはすべてよし!です。

Mommy: "Home sweet home♥"


Mommy: "Good morning, darling. How are you today?"

ママ:「パパ、おはよ♪ 今日の調子はどう?」

Daddy: "I'm a little sleepy..."


Ehime: "(whispering) Brother Kona? Can you ask mommy if she gained weight during this trip? She must have eaten a lot of food for their wedding anniversary."


Kona: "No, I don't want to."

コナ:「イヤだよ〜 ぼく、聞きたくない。」

Ehime: "Your cute sister is asking you very nicely. Why don't you help her out! (bite)"


Kona: "Ahhh!" コナ:「あああ!」

Kona: "Who's asking nicely, did you say? (bite)"


Ehime: "Ahhh!!!" えひめ:「あああ!!!」

Kahlua: "You two finally get to see mommy and daddy after 4 days. Is that how you show you are doing well?"


Ehime: "Hump!" えひめ:「フン!」

Kona: "I didn't start." コナ:「ぼくが始めたんじゃないもん。」

Kona: "Daddy, I missed you so much."

コナ:「パパ〜 パパに会えなくてさびしかったよ〜」

Ehime: "Daddy, I missed you, too."


Mommy: "Darling. Let's eat lunch♪ Isn't it nice to have a lot of green veggies while listening to the water sound from the swimming pool?"

ママ:「パパ、さあ、ランチを食べましょ♪ プールからの水の音を聞きながら、たくさん緑のものを食べるって、いいわね〜」

Daddy: "Yes. I feel like I'm back to our house♪"


Ehime: "Mommy, I played a lot with Chloe and Jack while I was staying at their house, so I'm tired. Can I take a nap?"


Mommy: "Of course." ママ:「もちろんよ。」

Kona: "Mommy, we walked in the morning and at night, and did some swimming during the day while we were at Chloe's and Jack's house, so I'm tired. Can I take a nap?"


Mommy: "Of course." ママ:「もちろんよ。」

Have a nice Monday♪

For mommy and daddy who are thankful to Chloe's and Jack's parents for taking care of doggies so well, please click the puppy photo on the right above, or the dog picture below. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ


Doggies! Daddy & mommy are coming back home♪ 〜犬たち!パパとママ、おうちに帰るよ〜♪〜

Kona: "Mommy, daddy, Good morning♪"


Ehime: "How are you this morning? We are doing great♪"


April 27th, Sat was our 9th wedding anniversary. My husband and I decided to eat our anniversary lunch at the historical restaurant called "The Virginian" since 1923. It was great!


After lunch, we walked to the campus that Thomas Jefferson designed. Who is Thomas Jefferson? He is the third president of the United States of America. And this campus is a part of the University of Virginia!


Virginia is famous for wine. So we decided to have a little trip to a few wineries. My husband was so interested in how the grapes grow. 


One photo at one winery♪ Let's keep smiling.

ワイナリーで写真を一枚♪ これからもずっと笑っていようね。

We attended the photo taken at the reunion and a nice dinner after that. Everybody was so smily and enjoyed the gathering with old classmates.


This morning 今朝

Chloe's & Jack's daddy: "Everyone, sit!"


Kahlua: "Could you give me a little bigger treat than Kona's?"



We are now waiting for out flight at Richmond airport, Virginia. Doggies! Daddy and mommy are coming back home♪


Have a beautiful Sunday♪

For daddy and mommy who are calling Chloe's and Jack's parents every day to see how doggies were doing, please click the puppy photo on the right above, or a dog picture below. Thank you! 


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ


Going back to University of Virginia 〜バージニア州立大学へ〜

Kahlua: "Daddy, mommy, Good morning♪"


Kona: "I'm still sleepy..." コナ:「ぼく、まだねむい‥‥」

Ehime: "Me, too..." えひめ:「わたちも‥‥」

At the Darden campus of University of Virginia


Daddy: "How do I look? This is building that I studied in."


Mommy: "You look like a professor now♪"


Mommy: "I can be a professor for you♥"


Daddy: "Are you going to teach me how to make cosmetics?"


Daddy: "Look, honey. There are three dogs."


Mommy: "Beautiful doggies♪ Can I pet them?"

ママ:「なんてかわいい子たち♪ よしよししてもいいですか?」

At night 

Kahlua: "Mommy, daddy, I just had dinner. Zzzz....."


Daddy: "Should we go to the reunion party, honey?"


Mommy: "OK. Oops... It's hard to walk with my 10cm high heel..."

ママ:「はい。あ、ちょっと‥‥ 10センチのハイヒールだと歩きにくい‥‥」

Have a wonderful Saturday♪

For Ehime who says 'I'm still sitting for everyone's bathroom on a walk!', please click the puppy photo on the right above or the dog picture below. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ

Crossing America 〜アメリカ横断〜

We flew from Las Vegas to Atlanta, Georgia. I slept most of the time, so I didn't need to go to the bathroom often since I was sitting in the middle seat (#^_^#). My husband played a computer game. He works with a computer every day and he still holds the computer on the airplane. Interesting.

ラスベガスから、ジョージア州アトランタまで飛行機の旅です。真ん中の席に座っていたので、何度もトイレに立たなくていいように、私はほとんどの時間を寝て過ごしました (#^_^#)。主人はコンピューターゲームをしていました。毎日コンピューターで仕事をしているのに、飛行機に乗ってまでコンピューターを手にもっている。。。不思議です。

We had to wait for a few hours for our next flight to Richmond, Virginia. While we were watching the beautiful moon behind the airplane, we thought of Kahlua, Kona and Ehime and wondered if they had dinner already.


Chloe's & Jack's mommy sent us a photo of Ehime.


Ehime: "Mommy, daddy, we are all doing well. Chloe's & Jack's mommy and daddy are taking care of us very well, so please don't worry about us♪" 


We arrived at our hotel around 1:30am last night and went to bed at 2:30am. We missed the hotel breakfast time, since we woke up a little after 9:00am (which is 6:00am in Las Vegas time). Here is the place we went for breakfast, Waffle House.


We drove 1.5 hours from Richmond to Charlottesville, Virginia. We saw a lot of green that we don't get to see in the desert, Las Vegas. We just checked in to the hotel 30 min ago. Let's see how the cocktail party at the reunion goes tonight.


Have a beautiful Friday♪

にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ

For daddy and mommy who is about to call Chloe's & Jack's parents to ask how the doggies are doing at their house, please click the puppy photo on the right above, or the dog picture above. Thank you!



Flying to Virginia on the east coast 〜東海岸バージニア州へ旅立ち〜

We are flying to Virginia on the east coast today to attend my husband's business school reunion. 


We are waiting for our flight at the airport now. What we think about is Kahlua, Kona and Ehime... They are now at Jack's and Chloe's house.

空港でフライトを待っているところです。考えるのは、カルアとコナとえひめのことばかり‥‥ 犬たちは、ジャックくんとクロエちゃんの家で預かってもらっています。

We'll be back on Sunday. 


Have a wonderful Thursday♪

For my husband and I who are missing our doggies badly, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture right below. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ


Thanks a lot, Ckatie! Golpara goods have arrived! 〜ケイチーちゃん、ありがとう!ゴルパラグッズがやってきた!〜

Ehime: "Wow, lots of presents! Is it Christmas already?"


Mommy: "No. Ckatie, who is listed at # 1 in the Golden Retriever category ranking on Japan Blog Mura, sent a present package to us."


Mommy: "See, this? This is for Ehime. Ckatie and her parents hope Ehime learns more swimming this summer."


Kona: "I want to learn more swimming with that toy."


Mommy: "These are cards for everybody from Ckatie. Don't you think she's a beautiful Golden Retriever?"


Kona: "I want to meet her on Skype some day."


Ehime: "What's Skype?"


Mommy: "This shirt is for Kona. She said 'Happy 4th Birthday.' Wow, it's a Golpara brand! I was so dreaming about Golpara! Let's put it on."


Kona: "Mmmm...." コナ:「ん〜と‥‥」

Kona: "I'm too big for this shirt..."


Ehime: "Then, please give it to me!"


Mommy: "You are actually a good size for the shirt."


Ehime: "Fu fu♪ A model needs a lot of clothes♥"

えひめ:「うふふ♪ モデルはお洋服がたくさん必要なんでしゅよ♥」

Ehime: "How do I look?" えひめ:「わたち、どうでしゅか?」

Kona: "Then, I want the water toy, Ga-ko!" 


Kahlua: "Then... I want a piggie toy that makes an amazing noise♥"


Mommy: "I see..." ママ:「そうね‥‥」

Ehime: "Ckatie said that Ga-ko is for me!"


Kona: "Then, give that shirt back to me!"


Ehime: "This doesn't fit on you!" えひめ:「にいたまにはこのお洋服合わない!」

Kona: "Mommy can fix with her sewing machine!"


Kahlua: "So... a piggie toy is mine, OK?"

カルア:「で‥‥ ブタさんのおもちゃはぼくのってことでいい?」

Mommy: "Everyone, stop! I'll figure out what goes to who. Please say thank you to Ckatie and her parents for the presents."


Ehime: "Thank you so much, Ckatie♪ I will convince everybody that this beautiful Golpara brand shirt is mine♥"

えひめ:「ケイチーちゃん、プレゼントを送ってくれて、本当にありがとでしゅ♪ 大丈夫。このステキなゴルパラのお洋服はわたちのだってこと、みんなにわかってもらえるように説得ちましゅからね♥」

Have a beautiful Thursday♪

にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ

For our doggies who appreciate the presents from Ckatie and her parents, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a doggie picture above. Thank you!
