
Mommy's cooking time 〜ママのお料理タイム〜

"Mommy? What were you making last night?"


"Oh, Ginger soup. First, I cut Daikon radish and carrots."


"I remember that time. I was hungry."


"Mommy... I'm hungry..."

「ママ‥‥ おなかしゅいた‥‥」

"Then, you ignored me, right?"


"Sorry! I was cooking Daikon and carrots in the pot."


"What did you put in there? It smelled good."


"Ground Turkey. I also put 2 tablespoon of soy sauce, sake and mirin, in addition to some amount of ginger and chicken stock."


"You didn't finish there, did you? I was like..."


"Mommy... I'm dying..."

「マ〜マ〜‥‥ わたち、死にかけ‥‥」

"I was making side dish. Bacon wrap with asparagus and enoki mushroom."


"And also, I was getting ready for Teriyaki shrimp."


"That's right! I was almost dead at that time. (-_-) "


Kona: "Are you OK, Ehime? Please come back!"




"I see. I remember Kahlua also seemed very hungry then."


"Everyone was hungryyyyy! Well, then, how was the taste?"


"Everything was great! Your daddy said 'I've been eating lots of veggies these days...' I decided to take it as a compliment. Fu fu♪ (#^_^#) How was your dinner, Ehime?"

「全部おいしかったよ〜 パパは、”なんか最近野菜ばっかり食べてるような‥‥”って言ってたけれど、褒め言葉と思うことにしたの。うふふ♪ (#^_^#) ひめたんの晩ごはんはどうだった?」

"My dinner was great, too. But I was too tired to keep myself awake after eating. Brother Kona? Can you ask mommy to give us a little more food?"


"Umm... I'm happy with the amount I get now."

「え〜と‥‥ ぼくは今のままでいいよ。」

"Well... I agree with Ehime♥"

「え〜と‥‥ ぼくはえひめに賛成♥」

Have a beautiful Friday♪

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