
LOL! When an American guy make scones 〜LOL! アメリカ人の男がスコーンを作るとこうなる〜

"Daddy?" 「パパ?」

"What?" 「なに?」

"Mommy said she wants to try lemon curd that she bought the other day."


"Mmmm... OK. Let's make scones!"

「う〜ん‥‥ わかった。じゃ、スコーンを作ろう!」

"What!? Are you going to make scones, daddy?"


"That's right. These are the ingredients."


"First, you mix milk and an egg."


"And make flour mixture."


"Let me see, daddy." 「パパ、見せてくだしゃ〜い。」

Mommy: "Ehime, get down!"  ママ:「ひめたん、おりなさい!」

"Oops..." 「はっ‥‥」

"Daddy? I'm here if you need a hand."


"I'm right here, OK, daddy?"


"Don't you need a hand, daddy?" 「パパ?手が必要なんじゃありましぇんか?」

Mommy:" Ehime, get down!" ママ:「ひめたん、おりなさい!」

"Mmm..." 「う〜ん‥‥」

"Now it's time to stir milk mixture into flour mixture."


"Daddy? I'm still here, OK?"


"Knead the dough briefly."


"And roll it."


"Daddy? Can I ask a question?" 「パパ?質問があるんでしゅけど。」

"What?" 「なに?」

"What's the visible butter block in the dough?" 


"Oh... that....?" 「あ‥‥ それ‥‥?」

"Extra tasty part ♥" 「特別においしいところ♥」

"Now, let's cut into pieces."


"Well..., this piece is big. Mmm... Let's make it smaller."

「えっと‥‥ この辺ちょっと大きいな。う〜ん‥‥ 小さくしよう。」

"Daddy? Are you sure it's OK to make them so irregular shapes?"


"No problem, no problem (^_^)v. Let's put them on a baking pan."

「だいじょうぶ、だいじょうぶ (^_^)v。さあ、ベーキングパンの上にのせよう。」

"Oops. The last piece is too small... Um... Yes! I can make it big in my hand♪"


"Daddy? Are you really sure you are doing OK?" 


"No problem, no problem♪" 「だいじょうぶ、だいじょうぶ♪」

"Ding! (oven)" 「チーン!」

"Ah, it's done." 「あ、焼けた。」

"Look, everybody! Scones look delicious (^o^)"


"Here you are, honey♥♥♥" 「ママ、どうぞ♥♥♥」

"Thank you, darling♥♥♥" 「ありがと、パパ♥♥♥」

"Daddy? How's the taste of scones?" 「パパ?スコーンのお味はどう?」

"They are very delicious♪" 「とってもおいしいよ♪」

"Oh, I got a good idea! Let's give some to our neighbor friends!"


"What!? Daddy? Are you going to give the irregular shaped scones...?"


"That's right." 「そうだよ。」

"Well, it means guys don't care the small things."


Have a happy Saturday♪

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