
Pumpkin & apple biscuits with recipe 〜パンプキン&アップルビスケット、レシピ付き〜

"Today, we are going to talk about how to make doggie pumpkin & apple biscuits."


"Grandma sent this book as our Christmas present last year. We are going to use the recipe from there today."


"First, 1 1/2 cup of oat flour. Mommy couldn't find it at the store, so she used the mini food processor to make them smooth."

「最初は、オートフラワー 1と1/2カップ。お店で見つけられなかったからって、ママは、オートブランをフードプロセッサーで、できるだけ粉っぽくちてました。」

"Next, you add 1 1/2 cup of brown rice flour (mommy substitute rice flour for it), 1/2 tsp of cinnamon, 1/2 tsp of ground nutmeg, 1/2 tsp of ground ginger and 1 egg, and mix."

「次に、1と1/2カップの玄米粉(ママは米粉で代用) 小さじ1/2のシナモン、小さじ1/2のナツメグ、小さじ1/2のジンジャー、そして卵1個を入れて混ぜましゅ。」

Kahlua: "Mmm... smells delicious♥"


"You add 3 Tb of applesauce, but mommy forgot to buy it at the store. So she grated the actual apple. I can guarantee it worked, too♪"


"The book says that you can substitute the stuff when you can't find the ingredients. (This is what mommy wants me to say...)"


"Ta da! This pumpkin puree is the one American people use to make a pumpkin pie for a holiday season. You can use fresh one, too. Please add 3/4 cup of it."


"Add 1/2 cup of water and mix thoroughly."


"Spoon mixture out with a tablespoon and drop onto an ungreased cookie sheet. How easy! (#^_^#) "

「スプーンですくって、油もバターも塗っていないベーキングパンの上にポタッと落とちましゅ。 簡単でしゅね (#^_^#)」

Kona: "I can taste the dough for you now. Hehe♪"


"You don't have to, but mommy made biscuits flatten with a folk."


"Bake 18-22 min in the oven, 350F until golden brown."


Kona: "How many minutes more, Kahlua?"


Kahlua: "10min more."


Ding! チーン!

"Yeah! Our pumpkin & apple biscuits are done♪"


"Pumpkin is high in potassium and beta carotene but low in calories. Best for the doggies who loves to eat, like Ehime."


"What do you mean by that?"


Ingredients: 1 1/2 c. oat flour   (オートフラワー1 1/2カップ)
1 1/2 c. brown rice flour   (玄米粉1 1/2カップ)
1/2 tsp. cinnamon   (シナモン小さじ1/)2
1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg   (ナツメグ小さじ1/2)
1/2 ground ginger   (ジンジャー小さじ1/2)
1 egg   (卵1個)
3 Tb. applesause (unsweetened)   (アップルソース大さじ3)
3/4 c. canned pumpkin (or fresh, pureed pumpkin)   (パンプキンピューレ3/4カップ)
1/2 c. water   (水1/2カップ)

Have a fun Friday♪

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