"I wonder what we are drying today."
"What are you talking about?"
Kona: "About the dehydrator that we received yesterday. Remember? We made dry apples yesterday."
Kahlua: "That's Right. Mommy chopped apples,
put them on the tray,
and dried them. They were delicious!"
"They were. My saliva comes out when I imagine those...(#^_^#)"
Kona: "You can actually save them in the airtight jar. If you put them in the freezer like this, they last for a year, the booklet said."
Kahlua: "Wow, that's awesome."
"For my preserved food, I want to dry pumpkins, carrots, onions..."
"Ehime, we cannot eat onions. It causes us some reactions if we eat onions and chocolate."
"On my research, we can eat pumpkins, carrots, Japanese spinach, and sweet potatoes. Mango is OK, this website says."
Kona: "Oh, we got lots of mangos from Costco the other day. We can dry them today♪"
"Me, a Hawaiian dog and freshly made dry mangos... He he♪ This is a perfect match♥"
「ハワイアンのぼくと、できたてのドライマンゴー。でへへ♪ これって、パーフェクトマッチ♥」
Have a fun Wednesday♪
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