"Look! They are making a maze."
Ehime: "What's "maze"?" えひめ:「"maze"ってなんでしゅか?」
Daddy: "It's a tour puzzle that made of the straw. Follow me, doggies."
"Mmmm, a seasonal photo (^o^)/"
「ん〜、季節の写真 (^o^)/ 」
"Me, too!"
"And, my version of a seasonal photo♪"
"New friends! My name is Ehime. What's your name?"
"I'm Cappie. The dog behind us is my sister, Goldie. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you, too. Brother Kona and I play a lot. We wrestle, chew each other, run around the house together. (Mommy often wants to stop us, though...) And after that...
I become like this,
Kona becomes like this."
"Mommy, I heard the family moved from Hawaii. Can we get together again?"
"Yes, we hope so." 「そうね。また遊べるといいね。」
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