
Dog gate 〜ドッグゲート〜

"Brother Kona, what is that?


"That's a dog gate. Daddy built it last night."


"Daddy and mommy bought it on Amazon.com."


"Did they?"


"Yes. Daddy like to build the thing like this."


"He even built a door for our Hawaii house."


"That's amazing."


"Mommy helped daddy building a gate last night. Just handing out something..."


"Sounds like very mommy."


"This is what they built."


"On the Halloween day, we get many kids knock on the door for trick-or-treat. Daddy and mommy want to block us like this, so that we won't run to the door every time kids come."


"But... the gate has been wide open since I saw this morning..."

「でも‥‥ 今朝わたちが見たときから、ゲートはじゅっと開いてるでしゅけど。」

"I walked through just like this. Is there any meaning to have a gate???"


"Lets' ask brother Kahlua how he thinks about the gate."


"Well, I'm going to maintain neutrality between humans and dogs. Please let me avoid a comment for the gate."


"Very serious as usual, brother. More importantly, I'm hungry. Where is my lunch?"

「にいたま、いちゅも通りマジメでしゅね〜 しょんなことより、おなかがしゅきまちた。ランチはまだでしゅか?」

"Mommy, can you make Yakitori with this?"


※ yakitori... grilled chicken on a skewer

Have a wonderful Saturday♪ 

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