At the vet 動物病院で
Daddy: "Sit, Makana."
Mommy: "41.6 pounds. He gained 10 pounds since last time."
Ehime: "Look, Ma-kun. There is a Great Pyrenees puppy. He is cute, isn't he?"
Makana: "Oh, wow. He is tiny."
Makana: "Daddy, was I that tiny, too?"
Daddy: "Yes. You were a pretty tiny puppy for Golden Retriever. I can't believe you are as tall as Ehime already."
We went to see the vet because both Ehime & Makana had red eyes. The doctor checked and said that they probably got infection from other dogs. He tested their eyes using the tools in front of us. I thought both Ehime & Makana might fight more, but they actually did a pretty good job for the test.
The doctor told us that this is like the children sometimes get pink eyes and it's not a serious problem. After cleaning their eyes, the doctor prescribed eye drops for them. It looks like they will get better within one week.
By the way, don't you think that the bathroom at the vet could be the good place you can cry without showing your tears? I was remembering my time when I went to the bathroom today, and it made me miss Kona so much.
At home おうち
Makana: "Phew, staying in the house is the best."
Ehime: "I get sleepy just listening to the birds."
Have a peaceful Thursday♪
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