
My video that was used for the news 〜ニュースで使われた私のビデオ〜

Daddy: "Oh, my gosh! What big pieces of hail!"

パパ:「わあ、すごいなあ! なんて大きな粒の雹(ひょう)なんだ!」

Mommy: "Oh, no! Makana, don't go out! It's painful!"

ママ:「ああ、ダメ! マカナくん、出て行かないで! 痛いよ!」

Makana: "Ouch."


Around 2:00pm yesterday, a big hail storm came through our area. They were pretty big pieces of hail, and didn't melt for a while.


Mommy: "Almost 40 minutes passed since we had the hail storm. It's still on the ground."


Mommy: "There are still some hail on the car as well! It's not my favorite time to go out when the ground is wet, there is someone who is picking up our wines at the tasting room. I need to drive down to the town."

ママ:「車にもまだ雹が残ってる! 地面が濡れているときにお出かけするのはあんまり好きじゃないけれど、テイスティングルームでうちのワインの受け取りに来て下さる方がいるからね。町まで運転して行かなきゃ。」

Makana: "So... Are there any reasons that my sister and I need to go to the tasting room?"

マカナ:「で‥‥ ねえたんとぼくがテイスティングルームまで行かなきゃいけない理由ってある?」

Mommy: "Well, yes. To drain your energy."


Ehime: "I'll be sleeping right here. Please wake me up when we arrive."


Mommy: "OK."


I took the video while it was hailing. As soon as I posted it on Kula page of Instagram, Facebook and Twitter, one Japanese news company contacted us to see if they can use the video on their page. I said yes. 


There was also another weather company of America that contacted us to get permission to use the video. I said yes for this one, too. You never know what will happen when you post on the social media. You can see the video on www.kulavineyards.com.

アメリカの天気の会社からも連絡を頂き、ビデオを使う許可をもらいたいと言われました。こちらにも、はい、と答えました。ソーシャルメディアに投稿したら、何があるかわかりませんね〜 ビデオは、www.kulavineyards.com でご覧頂けます。

Have a wonderful Saturday♪

For Makana who saw hail for the first time in his life, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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