
UPS shipment & Shelter in Place in California 〜UPS発送&カリフォルニア州で外出禁止令〜

Lsat night 昨夜

Mommy: "Smile at the camera, Ma-kun♪"


Makana: "Mgyu...."


Daddy: "Ahaha. This is kind of funny."


Mommy: "It's so nice that people try to support us and order the wine on line. Let's include a little gift as our appreciation."


Daddy: "That's a good idea."


Next day 次の日

Mommy: "Doggies, let's get in the car. We are going to UPS to ship the wine package."


Makana: "Are we going, too? We could stay home if you like."

マカナ:「ぼくたちも行くの? よければ、お留守番してるけど。」

Mommy: "Ma-kun, you might bark in front of daddy's office while he is working, right? So, let's go with me."

ママ:「マーくんは、パパがお仕事をしている間、オフィースの前でワンワン鳴くかもしれないでしょう? だから、ママと一緒に行きましょ。」

Ehime: "I won't bark."


Makana: "Me, too. Well.... I might whine."

マカナ:「ぼくだって。まあ‥‥ ちょっとクンクン言うかも、だけど。」

Since 5:00pm yesterday, Shelter in Place has been effective in California. I've been trying to connect with people through social media, IGTV, blog, e-mail and text message to see if everyone is doing OK.


We are all suffering without income, but we can still care about each other and help with the things we can do, right? Why don't we send a little nice word to your friends & family? So that people might be able to think that this world is still a good place to live. 


Have a fun Saturday♪

For Ehime & Makana who want to give away their happy energy to everyone who needs, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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