It has been 4.5 years since we became a grape grower, and a little over 2 years since we became a winery. Somehow, we are surviving as a winery in expensive-living California, and we are proud of ourselves about it.
We work seven days a week, but there is something missing as a winery. That is a tasting room. We pour at the hotels a few times a week, but that's not our place. We need the place where people visit us to enjoy our wines.
私たちは週に7日働いていますが、ワイナリーとして欠けているものがあります。それは、テイスティングルームです。 1週間に数回、ホテルでテイスティングを行なっていますが、それは私たちの場所ではありません。私たちには、皆さんにお越し頂き、私たちのワインをエンジョイしてもらう場所が必要です。
The other day, we saw the sign in the newest hot spot in the neighbor town, and it says "For Lease". When it comes to our type of business, the location is one of the most important factor if we can be successful or not in the future. My husband and I soon contacted the listing agent, and went to see the building.
The space wasn't big, but the nice & cozy atmosphere was great. The sunlight comes in from the window in the morning, which means that no direct sunlight comes in in the afternoon. That's great for the wines. The high ceiling was good, too. We still need to figure out about a few things including our license. But so far, we both like the space.
その場所は広くはありませんでしたが、心地よい雰囲気がいい感じでした。朝は、窓から太陽の光が入ってきます。 と言うことは、午後は直射日光が当たらないことになります。それは、ワインにとってはいいことです。高い天井も、いいなあと思いました。私たちのライセンスも含め、まだいくつか確認しなければいけないことがありますが、今のところは、このスペースはいいなあ、と二人とも思っています。
At home おうち
Kona: "Welcome back home."
Ehime: "Where did you go?"
Mommy: "Well..."
Kona: "There is no smell of other animals."
Ehime: "Didn't you go feed cows?"
Mommy: "No. Daddy and I went to see the building that might become our tasting room."
Kona: "Tasting room? ‥‥Of salmon?"
コナ:「テイスティングルーム? ‥‥サーモンの?」
Mommy: "Well, the salmon tasting room might sound great, but it's actually the wine tasting room."
Mommy: "Daddy & I are hoping Kula wines with the doggie label become popular. Would you support us?"
Have a wonderful Thursday♪
For Kona who wants to suggest to carry the salmon jerky in Kula's tasting room, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!
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