Daddy: "Look. It started to rain. The grapes are still hanging on the vines."
Mommy: "Oh, my. I wonder if we'll get customers in the tasting room today."
Makana: "Rain... I don't think I'm going to see any animals in the vineyard whom I should bark at today."
マカナ:「雨か‥‥ 今日はぶどう畑に、ぼくが吠えなきゃいけない動物はいないだろうな。」
Sachi: "Rain... If I dig a hole and get dirty, I might get scolded by mommy."
さち:「雨‥‥ 穴掘りちて汚れたら、ママに怒られるだろうな。」
Have a fun Sunday♪
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