
Great medication for humans 〜人間用の素晴らしいお薬〜


Mommy: "My friend told me the recipe of the shot. Manuka honey lemon with whisky. She said this could be the good cleanser of your body, so that... you can say "medication", right?"

ママ:「お友だちがね、ショットのレシピを教えてくれたの。マヌカハニーレモンの入ったウィスキー。お友だちが言うにはね、体内のいいクレンザーになるんだって。ということは‥‥ ”お薬”って言えるんじゃない?」

Daddy: "Ahaha. I love it. Let's have our medication."


Makana: "What medication... I think we dogs can eat honey, can't we?"

マカナ:「お薬って‥‥ ぼくたち犬も、ハチミツなら食べられるよね?」

Have a great Monday♪

For Makana & Sachi who love honey water, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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