
Homemade mochi 〜自家製もち〜


Mommy: "Oh, my gosh. These homemade mochi are very fresh, soft and stretchy. How's Abekawa mochi, darling?" 

ママ:「わあ、すごい。この自家製もち、とっても新鮮で柔らかくて、よく伸びるわ〜 パパ。安倍川もち、どう?」

Daddy: "They are very delicious and stretchy."


Ehime: "Ma-kun. These are not our food. You should take a nap for now and save your energy."


Makana: "I'm already doing it. You woke me up."

マカナ:「もうやってる〜 ねえたんがぼくを起したんだよ。」

Have a beautiful Saturday♪

For mommy & daddy who think that they should make mochi more often, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you! 


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