
Printed photos are great, aren't they? 〜印刷した写真っていいね〜

Makana: "Why did you put up photos on the sign?"


Mommy: "Because our tasting room is in downtown. People don't get to see what we do on the vineyard and how we make wine. So we printed photos and and put them up. Then they can see."


Makana: "But... there is no signature of us."

マカナ:「でも‥‥ ぼくたちのサインがない。」

Mommy: "What!? Do we need that?"

ママ:「えっ!? それって必要?」

Mommy: "Mmm... Something like this? It's a little challenging to write letters at the bottom of the sign."

ママ:「んん‥‥ こんな感じ? 看板の下の方に文字を書くって、ちょっと大変ね。」

Makana: "That looks good. I approve it."

マカナ:「いいんじゃない? 承認します。」

Mommy: "What?"


Ehime: "I'm getting hungry."


Makana: "Isn't it our biscuit time?"


Mommy: "That's true. I brought you two to the tasting room this morning, since daddy is not at home. But let's go home now and eat a little treat. Our tasting room is not open today."


Have an amazing Thursday♪

For mommy who still thinks that the printed photos are great even this era is all about the digital, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ

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