
Power outage on the very first cold day of the season 〜シーズン初の寒さがやって来た日の停電〜

On the very first cold day of the season, we had a power outage. No heating in the house, no coffee making in the morning.


Since my body doesn't react well with chemicals, fast-food stores are usually not my first choice to go. But there was a long line at Starbucks and we needed coffee and breakfast. So we just got some simple food at the local fast-food store and went to the tasting room to relax. How many times did we lose power in our country area recently?


Mommy: "I'm sorry for the small space. We have all outdoor furniture inside of the tasting room now."


Ehime: "No problem. I can sleep here."


Makana: "I'll probably walk around, but I feel comfortable now."


Have a peaceful Sunday♪

For daddy who often feels like that we are actually living in the tasting room, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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