
The presidential inauguration 〜大統領就任式〜

The presidential inauguration took place today. There are so many people who have different opinions about the next president. Agree or disagree, why don't we all give him a chance to lead this country now? 


This president of the United States said that he wants to be a president of everybody in this country. I believe that I, as a person who loves this country, loves American people, and has dedicated my own life to this place is also included. 


The president, Joe Biden is the fourth president I have had since I came to America. I had my favorite president and also least favorite president in the past. I can't wait to see what he can do for us.


Makana: "The fourth president since mommy came to America... The presidential term is four years, and the president Obama had two terms for eight years, so..."

マカナ:「ママがアメリカに来てから4番目の大統領‥‥ 大統領の任期は4年。オバマ大統領は8年だったから‥‥」

Makana: "What!? Your age is..."

マカナ:「えっ!? ママの年齢って‥‥」

Mommy: "You don't need to calculate such numbers."


Mommy: "For now, my biggest concern is how he can help support businesses that are affected by Cover-19."


Ehime: "My biggest concern is how to grow more apples in the world. Climate change is a big issue."


Mommy: "Can you say that 'grow more grapes', Ehime? You are living on the vineyard."

ママ:「ひめたん、そこは、”ぶどうの栽培量”って言ってくれない? ぶどう園に住んでるんだから。」

Let's unite.

For Ehime who is concerned about the carrots growing, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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