Mommy: "Brrrr.... It's 28F this morning. No wonder the wooden fence has frost on."
ママ:「ブルルル‥‥ マイナス2.5℃。どおりで、木のフェンスに霜が降りてるはずだわ。」
What's your weather like in your place? We had a pretty chilly weather this morning. No snow, but frost was everywhere.
みなさんのところのお天気はどうですか? こちらは今朝、かなり寒かったです。雪はなく、あちらこちらに霜が降りていました。
I cleaned the backyard, took the chickens out to clean the chicken coop, cleand the feeder for cows, broke the ice in the water trough and came back to the chicken coop. There were no chickens around the coop!
I looked around, and found them in the forest. I guess they wanted to peck the nice grassy area while they are enjoying the sun.
Mommy: "I found them."
Mommy: "Let's go back to the coop. I'll walk with you."
Chicken A: "Already? We wanted to peck the ground more."
にわとりA:「もう? もっと地面をツンツンしたかったのに。」
Mommy: "Now, let's wash off the dirt from my rubber boots... What!? The water won't come out! Awww... The water pipe must be frozen..."
ママ:「さあ、ゴム長ぐつについた泥を洗い落そうっと‥‥ えっ!? お水が出ない! あううう‥‥ 水道管が凍ってるんだわ‥‥」
Makana: "I feel good staying in the sun."
Mommy: "I understand. It's cold outside."
Mommy: "Oh, you are here, Ehime."
Ehime: "Yes. The window is open a little bit to get the fresh air in, but the sunlight is also coming in."
Makana: "Then, maybe I should stay here, too."
Ehime: "I'm using this bed, so you can lay down on the carpet."
Makana: "Awww... I never win with my sister..."
マカナ:「あうう‥‥ ねえたんには勝てない‥‥」
Have a peaceful Wednesday♪
For Ehime who doesn't want to go out when it's cold, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!
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