
Brix of the grapes 〜ぶどうの糖度〜

Daddy: "I got some grapes from the different rows. Let's check Brix, the sugar level of the grapes to see when is the best time to harvest."


Mommy: "OK. Let's do it."


Daddy: "Here are grapes♪"


Mommy: "I'm going to eat♪"


Makana: "What!? You are going to check the sugar level by eating???"

マカナ:「えっ!? 食べて糖度を調べるの???」

Daddy: "Mommy just likes to eat some. We actually use the machine to see the real number. To do it, I need to crush these grapes and get some juice out."


Makana: "Do you crush the grapes with the cup?"


Daddy: "Anything is good if I can crush them well."


Makana: "You could ask me to do it. I have pretty strong teeth."


Daddy: "If I ask you, all the grapes will be disappeared into your stomach. That's not good for both you and me."

 パパ:「マカナに頼んだら、ぶどうが全部マカナのおなかに消えちゃうだろう? それは、マカナにとってもパパにとってもよくないことだから。」

Daddy: "This is good. Let's see the number of Brix."


Daddy: "23.8. Hmm... We probably need to wait a little longer before harvest. We should take a sample to the lab to check more details soon."

パパ:「23.8か。うーん‥‥ 収穫までもう少し待たないといけないかな。そろそろ詳細をチェックするために、サンプルを試験所に出した方がいいな。」

Ehime: "Talking about grapes again... I think the season of apples is coming soon."

えひめ:「またぶどうの話し‥‥ しょろしょろりんごの季節がやって来ると思うんでしゅけど。」

Have a fun Tuesday♪

For Ehime & Makana who enjoyed little bites of Asian pear the other day, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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