Makana: "Whoopee!!!"
(shaking the toy おもちゃブルンブルン)
Makana: "Makana's dash!!!"
Mommy: "Oh, no no!!! Stop!!!!!"
ママ:「ああ、ダメ、ダメーーー!!! ストッッップ!!!!!」
Makana: "I can't!"
Makana: "Hop, step and jump♪ Ahahaha!!!!"
マカナ:「ホップ、ステップ、ジャーーーンプ♪ あはははは!!!!」
Mommy: "Ma-kun, you had the surgery 10 days ago. The vet said that you need to stay calm for two weeks."
Makana: "That's impossible! Because I'm a very healthy Golden Retriever puppy♪"
マカナ:「ム〜リ〜! だってぼくは、とっても健康なゴールデンレトリバーのパピーだもん♪」
Ehime: "......"
Ehime: "Now I know why brother Kahlua used to stay here. He was escaping from my running..."
Mommy: "That's a good guess. By the way, can we say good-bye to the toy by you? I believe it used to be a toy in the fish shape, but I don't see the fabric inside anymore."
ママ:「それ、当たってるかもね。ところで、ひめたんのそばにあるおもちゃ、バイバイしてもいいかしら? 多分魚の形をしたおもちゃっただったらしいけれど、もう中の布も見当たらないしね〜」
Makana: "Kyahahahaha!!! I'm having fun for some reason♪"
マカナ:「キャハハハハハ!!! なんでかわからないけど楽しい〜♪」

Have an exciting Saturday♪
For mommy, daddy & Ehime who sometimes feel painful when Makana bumps into them, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!
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