
A prescribed burn in June 〜6月の野焼き〜

Mommy: "Oh, no! It looks like there is the fire somewhere."

ママ:「なんてこと! どこかで、火事が発生したみたいだわ。」

Sunny: "I'm sure the fire was already reported by someone. We don't need to worry about it."


Happy: "Then, why don't we see any planes flying around like they normally do for the fire?"


Mommy: "That makes sense. Maybe we should report before the fire gets too big. Let's put chickens back in the coop and talk to my darling."


Makana: "You are coming back in already?"


Ehime: "What's going on?"


Mommy: "It's the emergency. I need to talk to your daddy."


Makana: "About what?"


Mommy: "About that fire. We figure it out where the fire is. Darling? Are you there?"

ママ:「あの火事の話し。火事がどこなのか、突き止めなきゃ。パパ〜? いる〜?」

Daddy: "I heard you. It looks like that's a prescribed burn according to Twitter. The fire department is there, too."

パパ:「聞こえてるよ〜 ツイッターによると、どうやらあれは、野焼きらしいよ。消防署もそこにいるんだって。」

Mommy: "Huh, I'm glad to know that the fire department knows it. But why do they have to do it in the dry month, June?"



We posted this to show our blackout tuesday  on our winery social media page today. If the community wants to be one, and if you agree with it, why not to show it? The world should be the place where they listen to each other peacefully, not to force or to be forced, we believe.


Have a peaceful Wednesday♪

For our neighbors & us who were scared of the smoke for a little while, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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