
Unreachable grapes 〜手の届かないぶどう〜

Mommy: "Oh, no! Daddy re-set up the wire so high. Now baby table grapes are unreachable from my height!"

ママ:「あら、やだ! パパったら、ワイヤーをとっても高いところに付け替えちゃって、食用ぶどうの赤ちゃんたち、私の背丈からは届かないじゃない!」

Mommy: "I think he did this on purpose. He is trying to protect grapes from me. Awwwww."


Makana: "It's hard to be away from the tasty things, isn't it?"


Mommy: "That's right! Mmm? Ma-kun? What do you have around your tummy?"

ママ:「そうなのよ! んん? マーくん? おなかの周りに、何をつけてるの?」

Makana: "Nothing really."


Mommy: "Ahhhh! You rolled over burs again!"

ママ:「あああ! またくっつき虫の上でゴロゴロしたわね!」

Have a fun Sunday♪

For daddy who is looking forward to harvesting the table grapes, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ

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