Ehime: "Recently I go see the doctor very often."
Mommy: "That's right."
We guessed Ehime got UTIs two weeks ago. She had to go outside for peeing every two minutes, and she made an accident in the house as well (which is very unusual). One of our neighbors gave us a few of antibiotics that were used for her dog before. Ehime got better as soon as she took the medication, so we just let it go.
Yesterday, Ehime showed the same symptom, we gave an antibiotics again. She got better, but we thought she really need to see a doctor before it gets worse. Since the annual shot appointment was made for dogs this morning, I talked about my concern then and the doctor decided to give a test on Ehime. We got the new antibiotics and that's a relief.
They also found the hotspot on Ehime's back. We knew about it, but it was a lot worse than we expected. Ehime has been going through a lot this year, and I don't know how many times we took her to the vet by now... We just hope Ehime has a happy life and smiles a lot every day.
えひめの背中にあるホットスポットも見つけてくれました。これに関しては気づいていましたが、予想以上に大きくなっていました。えひめは今年、本当に色々あります。これまで何度お医者さまのところに行ったでしょうか‥‥ えひめには、幸せな犬生を生きて、毎日たくさん笑っていてくれるといいなあ、と願っています。
Ehime: "I kind of feel sleepy."
Mommy: "You can take a nap. You are in the house now."
Makana: "I'm jealous."
Mommy: "Why?"
Makana: "Sister gets a biscuit every time she goes to see the doctor."
Mommy: "Haha. You noticed."
Have a peaceful Saturday♪
For Ehime & Makana who can go anywhere if they can get a biscuit, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!
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