Daddy: "Your halter is getting tight. You need a bigger one."
Ken: "Yes. I'm growing as a mature adult horse."
Daddy: "I hope your mentality grows maturely, too."
At the store お店で
Daddy: "What about this? It's the wine color."
パパ:「これなんてどうかな? ワインカラーなんだけど。」
Mommy: "I think it's great. Ken is getting the new necklace♪"
Makana: "I'm jealous. I haven't got a new necklace for a long time. Thinking of it, this necklace is my sister Ehime's hand-me-down."
マカナ:「いいな〜 ぼく、長いこと新しいネックレスなんてもらってないよ。考えてみれば、このネックレスだってえひめねえのお下がりだし。」
Mommy: "Speaking of Ehime, June 19th is Ehime's birthday. If she was alive, she would be 12 years old. Happy Birthday, Ehime."

Have a happy Wednesday♪
For mommy & daddy who enjoy choosing the new necklace for their animals, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!
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