Ehime: "I don't want to say good-bye to him."
Makana: "Me, too. He always played with me before the tasting room opened."
My tears keep coming out all day long. I still can't believe our dear friend passed away... Look at his smile holding our wine bottles! He believed in everything we do, loved what we love, and always stayed on our side. We miss you so much. This world is not fair.
一日中、涙が止まりません。私たちの親愛なる友達が亡くなっただなんて、まだ信じることができません‥‥ 見てください、私たちのワインボトルを掲げてニコニコしている彼を! 私たちのすることすべてを信じ、私たちの愛するすべてのものを愛し、いつも私たちの味方でいてくれた大切なお友達。とても会いたいよ。この世は、不公平です。
Miss my friend...
For our family who love him so much, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!
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