
A quiz of 2020 〜2020のクイズ〜

Mommy: "Before you fall asleep, I'm going to give you a quiz."


Ehime: "Mmm? A quiz?"

えひめ:「んん? クイズ?」

Mommy: "You know your age and what year you were born, right? Please add those numbers. Your answer should be the same as mine♪"

ママ:「ひめたん、自分の歳と生まれた年を知ってるでしょう? そのふたつ、足してみて。ママといっしょになるはずだから♪」

Ehime: "I'm eight years old, and I was born in 2012. Adding these numbers... 2020."

えひめ:「わたちは8歳で、2012年生まれでしゅから、このふたつを足すと‥‥ 2020。」

Mommy: "That's the same as mine!" 


Makana: "What about me?"


Mommy: "You are one year old, and you were born in 2019. Can you add these numbers?"


Makana: "Let me see..."


Makana: "2020!"


Mommy: "That's right! It's the same as mine. Actually, everyone gets the same number. Isn't it interesting?"

ママ:「その通り! ママといっしょよ。 実はね、みんな同じ数字になるの。おもしろいでしょう?」

Makana: "What's your age, mommy? And what year were you born?"

マカナ:「ママって歳はいくつなの? で、何年に生まれたの?」

Ehime: "Ma-kun. You shouldn't ask that kind of question to mommy. She was born a very long time ago before you were born. It's hard to do math with those numbers."


Mommy: "Hey!"


Makana: "I see. Mommy, I'm sorry for asking you a bad question."


Mommy: "Why do you need to apologize! How old are you thinking I am?"

ママ:「なんで謝るのよ! ママのこと、何歳だと思ってるの〜?」

Have a fun Tuesday♪

For our family who is having a good time with the quiz that was passed on by Chloe's & Henry's mommy, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!  


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