
A broken window 〜壊れた窓〜


Mommy: "Oh, my. We heard the sound of glass when we were getting ready for breakfast. It was our broken window. This is a two-layer-window, so the one inside is still good. But the one outside is probably breaking down soon."


Daddy: "This is the special-order-window. The company said that it's going to take about four weeks. I hope they come soon to replace the window."


Makana: "Well... I don't think I broke the window... did I?"

マカナ:「えっと‥‥ ぼく、窓を壊してない‥‥よね?」

Mommy: "No worries. It's not you. The broken window has a limitation to keep the cracked glass in place."


Have a peaceful Sunday♪

For our family who has fixed three different windows so far that we never broke, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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