
The secret that she cannot hide 〜隠しきれない秘密〜

Mommy: "Do you have anything to eat there, Serene?"


Serene: "Small grass. But I get nervous when you come towards me with that machine."


Mommy: "Oh, you mean my iPhone? Sorry. I wanted to take a photo of you."

ママ:「ああ、iPhoneのこと? ごめんね〜 写真を撮りたかったから。」

Mommy: "The vines are already pruned. I wish spring comes here soon."


Mommy: "But we are going to have another rain this afternoon. Let's go back home and get dogs back in the house."


Mommy: "What!? What's this hole, Sachi?"

ママ:「えっ!? さっちゃん。この穴はなに?」

Sachi: "Gosh, you scared me. This hole? Well..."

さち:「おお、びっくりちた。この穴? えっと‥‥」

Sachi: "Maybe my brother did it. I don't know anything about it."

さち:「にいにいがやったんじゃないでしゅかね〜 わたちは、なーんにも知らない。」

Mommy: "Is that so?"


Mommy: "Then, why does your nose have dirt on it?"


Sachi: "Oh, this? Well... I mean... I'm sorry. I did it."

さち:「ああ、これ? だから‥‥ しょの‥‥ ごめんなしゃい。わたちがやりまちた。」

Have a fun Wednesday♪

For Sachi who is not good at keeping a secret, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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