
Nothing can stop me being romantic. 〜ロマンチックが止まらない〜


Mommy: "This is the photo I took on my iPhone last night. The most shiny one is the moon, and the one below is Venus. You can see the Pleiades above. The amazing thing is that you can see the color of blue well by the naked eye."


Mommy: "This is the picture from Sky Guide. You see what's going on in the sky. Jupiter, Mercury and the sun is lining up under the ground. Isn't it romantic?"


Daddy: "Sorry for bothering you when you are being romantic, but could you open the the door, honey? I need to put Sachi in the car."

パパ:「ロマンチックになっているときに悪いんだけどね、ママ、ドアを開けてくれない? 車にさちを乗せなきゃいけないんだ。」

Mommy: "Oh, sorry. I'll do it right now."


Sachi: "I don't want to go in the car..."


Have a romantic Sunday♪

For mommy who gets excited looking at the night sky, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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