
Daddy's toy 〜パパのおもちゃ〜

Sachi: "Oh! Daddy is playing with his toy!"

さち:「あっ! パパがおもちゃで遊んでる〜!」

Daddy: "This is not a toy! It's a decanter. I'm serving the decanted wine to our customer. I'm kind of having a good time with this, I guess♪"

パパ:「おもちゃじゃない! ディキャンターだよ。お客様に、ディキャンティングしたワインを出すんだよ。まあ、楽しんでると言えなくもないけど♪」

Sachi: "See? You are playing with it."

さち:「ほら! 遊んでる〜」

Sachi: "Speaking of which, I haven't got any new toys since Christmas."


Makana: "I kind of like to fall asleep in the sun instead of playing with the toy."


Have a fabulous Sunday♪

For daddy who likes to increase more toys that he can play with in the tasting room, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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