
Result of Sachi's learning 〜さちの学びの賜物〜

Mommy: "Salmon pieces that were sliced about 4 oz are wrapped in the aluminum foil. After boiling them in the hot water, I'm going to unwrap them and cook with sake & mirin."


Mommy: "Mmm! Dropping a small amount of soy sauce produces the great aroma."

ママ:「んん! ちょっとだけお醤油を垂らすと、いい香りがするわ〜」

Mommy: "Let's wrap some in the plastic wrap and keep them in the freezer for the time I need later on. Mm? What are you doing here, Sachi?"

ママ:「小分けしてサランラップに包んで、今後必要なときのために、冷凍庫で保存しようっと。んん? さっちゃん、ここでなにしてるの?

Sachi: "I thought something good might happen if I wait between food and a human. My experience tells me so."


Makana: "I taught her originally, but she proved it from the time when daddy eats."


Mommy: "What a learning..."


Have a fun Sunday♪

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