
First vaccine shot is done. 〜最初のワクチン接種が終わりました〜

Daddy: "It's a nice day for a drive."


Mommy: "I agree. I feel like we are on a road trip."

ママ:「ホントね〜 ロードトリップしているみたいな気分だわ。」

Mommy: "How long does it take to get to the vaccine place?"


Daddy: "I say 45 minutes."


Finally our time has come! They lowered the age to provide vaccine, and also we are considered as a worker for the tasting room. My husband filled the papers, and scheduled for me as well. 


There are limited places where we can get our vaccine in a small town like ours. We had to drive a little far to get our first shot, but it wasn't too bad. I was just.... very nervous because I'm the one who usually gets unpleasant reactions from many medications and dentist visits.

私たちのような小さな町では、ワクチン接種できる場所は限られています。最初の注射を受けるために、少し遠くまで運転していかなければいけませんでしたが、そんなに大変ではありませんでした。ただ‥‥ 私はものすごーく緊張していました。なぜなら、いつもいろんなお薬や歯医者さんの診察で、あまり喜ばしくない反応が出るからです。

Daddy: "First shot is done! We were told that we need to sit here for a while. How are you feeling, honey?"


Mommy: "No problem at all so far."


I felt a little weird feeling around the left shoulder and throat after the shot, but they were not a big problem at all. My left arm (where I got a shot on) started to feels sore at night, and my headache started after that. I was very tired before the bed time.


In the morning, I woke up with a migraine, but I'm not sure if it's from vaccine. Because it was a foggy morning, and I often get a migraine from the lower pressure. My left arm is pretty sore at this moment.


Makana: "I don't want to get a shot, because it's scary."


Ehime: "But..."


Ehime: "We usually get a biscuit after a shot. That motivates me so much."


Makana: "Well, you are so lucky, sister, because..."


Makana: "You are a little rounder, so you probably don't feel any pain from the shot. Right, mommy?"


Ehime: "Please say he is wrong."


Mommy: "What!? Umm... Mmm...."

ママ:「えっ!? あの‥‥ うーん‥‥」

Have a great Friday♪

For daddy who wrote two years younger than mommy's actual age on the vaccine paper, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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