
Looking forward to seeing the sun 〜太陽に会えるのを楽しみにしながら〜


Mommy: "Hmm... The grass along the path to cows is getting taller. We had nice weather last weekend, and that probably made the grass grow. I need to ask the gardener to cut some when he comes back next time."

ママ:「うーん‥‥ 牛さんたちのところに行く道沿いの草の背丈が高くなってる。先週末、いいお天気だったから、多分草がよく育ったのね。次にガーデナーさんが来てくれたときに、刈ってもらうようにお願いしなくっちゃ。」

Makana: "I miss the weather last Friday. I want the sun back."


Mommy: "I understand."


Mommy:"Drizzling this morning gave me a little headache. It might be cloudy today, but look. It looks like it's going to be sunny this weekend. Let's look forward to it."


Makana: "OK."


Have a nice Wednesday♪

For Makana who is looking forward to taking a nap under the sunlight, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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