
Bud break on the table grape vines 〜食用ぶどうの木の芽吹き〜

Mommy: "Daddy & I saw bud-break on the table grape vines this morning. As a grape grower, this is how we feel spring. It's exciting, isn't it?"

ママ:「パパとママね、今朝、食用のぶどうの木が芽吹いてるのを見たのよ。ぶどう栽培者は、こうやって春を感じるのよね〜 ワクワクするでしょう?」

Sachi: "Not at all."


Makana: "Well, it's nonsense you talk to dogs about grapes that we can't eat."


Have an exciting Monday♪

For mommy & daddy who are looking forward to seeing bud-break on the vines for wine, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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