
Waiting for the sun 〜太陽を待っている〜


Mommy: "Wow, it's foggy this morning. The vineyard looks so winter-like."

ママ:「わあ、今朝は霧が深いね〜 ぶどう畑が、すっごく冬って感じ。」

Mommy: "Mmm? Don't you want to go outside this morning, Sachi? You normally ask us to open the door by now."

ママ:「んん? さっちゃん。今朝はお外に行きたくないの? いつもならこの時間までに、ドアを開けてって頼むのに。」

Sachi: "I'm waiting for the sun to come out. When does it come out?"


Mommy: "It should be out soon. I don't think it's going to rain today."


Have a peaceful Christmas Eve♪

For Sachi who likes to play in the sun, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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