
Exciting planet 〜ワクワク惑星〜


Sachi: "Hello, Mrs. D. What food do you have in your hand today?"


Mrs.D: "I don't have any today. I just came from Ari's teeth cleaning."


Ari: "Huh, I'm tired now. And what's this wine bottle in front of me?"


Mommy: "Oh, sorry. I wanted to take a photo of the dog & wine."


At night 夜

Mommy: "Wow, the moon is so beautiful tonight. Mmm? Oh, my gosh! Saturn is nearby!"

ママ:「わあ、今夜は月がきれいだわね〜 あら、まあ! 土星が近くにいる!」

Makana: "Really? Where?"

マカナ:「ホント? どこ?」

Mommy: "I show you Sky Guide. See? Saturn is located on the right side of the moon. It's amazing to see it in the naked eyes with the brightness of the moon nearby."


Makana: "What about Neptune? Sky Guide says that it's also near the moon."

マカナ:「海王星は? スカイガイドでは、これも月の近くにあるらしいけど。」

Mommy: "We don't see Neptune in the naked eyes. It's very far from the earth and not the shiny planet."


Have a romantic Saturday♪

For mommy who was too excited to fall asleep after finding Saturn with her naked eyes, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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