
Flowering on the vines 〜ぶどうのツルに花咲き〜


Mommy: "Oh! How adorable♪ They are flowering."

ママ:「あら! なんて愛らしい♪ お花が咲いてる〜」

Mommy: "They are self-pollinating, and will become berries. They are just so cute."


Mommy: "I just hope it won't be too rainy next week. I don't want flowers to be gone in the rain."


Chicken A: "What!? Rain? We should spend a long time pecking the ground this week then. We may not be able to do it next week."

にわとりA:「えっ!? 雨? それじゃあ、今週時間をいっぱい取って地面をツンツンしなくっちゃ。来週はできないかもしれないから。」

Chicken B: "Let's do it."


Mommy: "Oh? Where is Sachi, Ma-kun?"

ママ:「あれ? マーくん、さっちゃんはどこ?」

Makana: "She... went somewhere... where you don't want to know."

マカナ:「さっちゃんは‥‥ どこか行っちゃった‥‥ ママが知りたくないところ。」

Mommy: "What!? Where???"

ママ:「えっ!? どこ???」

Have a lovely Thursday♪

For Sachi who was digging the berry pot, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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