When we came back from work, there were veggies & fruit sitting at the front porch. There was a note from the neighbor saying that those were organically grown at her property.
My work for the winery has been sucking up my time so much this year, and also Makana, our puppy has been enjoying playing in the vegetable garden recently. Because of these reasons, I was not successfully growing any vegetables this year. So these are a great treat for us. Thank you so much, our beautiful neighbor!
Makana: "So... what's the thing my sister and I can eat among these?"
マカナ:「それで‥‥ その中で、ねえたんとぼくが食べられるものってなに?」
Mommy: "Hmm... I guess a melon."
ママ:「うーん‥‥ メロンかな。」
Have a wonderful Monday♪
For our family who eats a lot of veggies & fruit, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!
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