
Wherever you are... 〜どこにいても‥‥〜


Ken: "Running freely is so fun! Why don't you join me, Sachi?"

ケン:「自由に走るってとっても楽しい! どう?ぼくと一緒に走らない?さっちゃん。」

Sachi: "I think I'll pass this time. I feel cozy now between mommy & daddy."



Do you remember a German Shepherd, Henry at our friend's place in Las Vegas? He passed away... This year, we feel like we lost many loved ones. 

ラスベガスのお友だちのところにいるジャーマンシェパードのヘンリーくん、覚えておられるでしょうか。旅立ちました‥‥ 今年は、大好きなお友だちをたくさん亡くしたように感じます。

Kahlua: "Please don't worry. I'll take care of everyone here. By the way, I would have been 18 years old today if I were still there."


Have a peaceful day♪

For Kahlua who always takes care of his kingdom wherever he is, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ

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