
Do you know what fennel is? 〜フェンネルって知ってる?〜


Mommy: "I used orange slices in the fresh fennel salad. These orange leftovers are from making Zinfandel cranberry sauce."


Daddy: "Mmm! This fennel salad is tasty."

パパ:「んん! このフェンネルのサラダ、おいしい。」

Mommy: "Right? We've never used fennel before. If we knew how delicious this vegetable is, we would start to use it a long time ago."

ママ:「でしょ? 今までフェンネルなんて使ったことなかったけどね。このお野菜がこんなにおいしいって知ってたら、ずっと前に使い始めてたわ。」

Sachi: "Huh, they are talking about the thing that we cannot eat again."


Makana: "Who knows. I heard the vegetable is in the same group of carrots."


Sachi: "What!? Really?❤︎"

さち:「えっ!? ホントに?❤︎」

Have a fantastic Thursday♪

For Sachi who thinks that food is tasty no matter what the season is, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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