
Rain, shine and rain 〜雨、晴れ、そして雨〜

Yesterday 昨日

Mommy: "There is a little break between rains. Let's take dogs out. They have pent-up energy now."


Makana: "I'm coming! (bite)"


Sachi: "Ahhhh! Did you do that to me!?"

さち:「ああああ! やりまちたね〜!?」

Makana: "I can do more! See? See?"

マカナ:「もっとできるよ! ほれ、ほれ。」

Sachi: "Ahhh! Mmmm! I'm going to return it! Yaaaaa!!!"

さち:「ああああ! んんんんん! お返しちましゅから! やああああ!!!」

Mommy: "It looks like you two are going to play for a while. I'm taking chickens out now."


Chicken A: "I feel good now."


Chicken B: "I do, too. Sunshine after the rain is so beautiful."

にわとりb:「ホントね〜 雨上がりの太陽の光って、とってもきれいだしね。」

Today 今日

Mommy: "I don't think we are going for a walk this morning. You two were out in the backyard while I was doing farm work. I hope you did bathroom then."

ママ:「今朝は、お散歩にいけないわね。ママがファームのお仕事をしている間、ふたり裏庭に出てたから、 その間にトイレは済ましてくれてるといいんだけど。」

Makana: "I did it."


Sachi: "I... don't remember."

さち:「わたち‥‥ 覚えてない。」

Stay dry.

For Makana & Sachi who are planning to wrestle inside of the house today, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


にほんブログ村 犬ブログ ゴールデンレトリバーへ

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