
He is pretty flexible. 〜結構体が柔らかいんです〜


Mommy: "Ma-kun, you are pretty flexible. Your head is almost reaching your own butt."

ママ:「マーくん、結構体が柔らかいね〜 頭がお尻に届きそうだもの。」

Makana: "What don't you do this, too? Is it the nice yoga pose?"

マカナ:「ママもやってみたら? なかなかいいヨガのポーズじゃない?」

Mommy: "I didn't know you were trying to do yoga."


Have a relaxing Sunday♪

For Makana who is as flexible as a cat, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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