We adopted two Buff Orpington hens yesterday. These hens were bullied by other chickens at the previous house. One of them still has scratches from being pecked.
We put the new hens in the small chicken coop, so that the old hens and the new hens live as neighbors for a little while. I checked on them many times until 9:30pm last night, and they seemed OK in the small coop for the first night.
I really wanted to do a good job on letting the new hens have a good journey here in our place. First I let the old hens walk around the small coop. They all seemed fine.
Then, I put old hens back in the big coop, and the let the new hens out to let them walk around the big coop. They all seemed fine. And guess what. One of them didn't want to go back in the small coop!
それから大きなにわとり小屋に今までのにわとりたちを戻し、新しいにわとりたちに、大きなにわとり小屋のまわりを歩き回ってもらいました。みんな、大丈夫そうでした。で、どうなったと思います? 二羽のうちの一羽が、小さなにわとり小屋に戻りたくなくなっちゃったんです!
I could tell she was in a panic. She was scared. I have seven years plus experience with hens, but this is my first time to adopt and train fully grown hens. And also these hens have had a bad experience from being bullied. We understand how difficult the life could be, right?
I asked my husband to block her way from escaping. I didn't want to catch her to put her back in the coop. I wanted her to go back in on her own. It took a long long time, but she jumped back in the coop at the end.
Makana: "You finally came back. I'm tired from waiting for you."
マカナ:「やっと帰ってきた〜 ぼく、待ちくたびれちゃったよ。」
Mommy: "I'm sorry."
Ehime: "I was going to weed, but I'm already tired."
Mommy: "OK, OK. Let's go back in the house."
Have a nice Wednesday♪
For mommy & daddy who want the new hens to feel safe here, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!
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