
There are loved ones who are waiting for you. 〜待っていてくれる大好きな犬がいる〜


I found this illustration on the local Golden Retriever organization page. God says "So you're Bobbie; Rex here has been going on an on about you for the last 50 years." 


I don't know if this is really happening. But just imagining that might be happening up there, it brings me a smile. What are you guys talking about, Hailey, Kahlua and Kona?


ヘイリー、カルア、コナ (←クリック)

Ehime: "Until we go to see our family members up there, our mission in this world is making mommy & daddy busy."


Makana: "Making them busy? Like... we jump up on them? Or.... we make them chase after us?"

マカナ:「忙しくしてもらう? 例えば‥‥ ぼくたちが、パパとママにジャンプしちゃうとか? それか‥‥ ぼくたちのあとを追いかけてもらうとか?」

Have a beautiful imagination.

For Makana who is good at both jumping up on mommy & daddy and making them chase after him, please click the puppy photo on the right above or a dog picture below to vote for a doggie blog ranking. Thank you!


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